Toulouse Airport

Toulouse Airport Weather

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Weather at Toulouse Airport

weather in AvignonToulouse is the capital of the Midi-Pyrénées region located on the Garonne River, on a plain midway between the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic ocean.

The city is southern in atmosphere and climate - winters are mild and summers hot - but tends to be compared more often with either Florence or Barcelona than the French Riviera.It is now the fourth largest city in France and its international airport places it an hour from Madrid, an hour and twenty minutes from London and an hour from Paris.

The period from June to September is the best time to visit this region in France, as temperatures are generally in the high 20°C and can often reach 30°C, which if you are looking for a poolside holiday, is ideal. Despite the threat of rain, the storms rarely last long enough to spoil the plans of holidaymakers. Autumn still sees some warm weather and a late September holiday is ideal for those not so fond of sunbathing and looking to do some sightseeing.

During the winter months temperatures in Toulouse tend to stay between 0°C and 5°C, but can on drop several degrees below freezing. As the winter season fades and spring arrives, you can expect temperatures of between 10°C and 15°C, with the odd fine day where temperatures reach 18°C to 20°C.